Laser cut and inlayed with hypoallergenic surgical steel or gold-plated surgical steel, 1.5 inches long. Each come in a metallic blue box decorated with washi tape.
During the time of King Kamehameha he was gifted cattle, and needed a way to herd them. So a solid 100 years before the "Old West" Mexican Paniolo came out to the islands and taught the Hawaiians the art of ranching. This lives on strong today in the community of Waimea on Hawai'i Island, thus leading to our Paniolo line!
Tatau was the original Polynesian word for 'tattoo' due to the tapping noise it made. While it has definite Hawaiian markings I fully acknowledge my style is leaning Maori with the use of curvature and negative space.
Tatau Horse Earrings